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3G & LAN Connection

Posted: 30 May 2007, 17:33
by doddym
I am using mobile devices (Tablet PCs) both in and out of the office. When in the office they are connected to a 100mb LAN. When out of the office I connect with a 3G wireless card. Can I setup Allsync to detect only when I am on the LAN to copy files? I do not want the schedule working when I am connectd via 3G.

Also can you set it to sync when network traffic is low?

many thanks

Re: 3G & LAN Connection

Posted: 31 May 2007, 02:21
by Administrator
Can I setup Allsync to detect only when I am on the LAN to copy files?
Yes. Please use the task option "Do not start task unless the following folder is accessible" and specify a folder or drive that is only available on the LAN.
Also can you set it to sync when network traffic is low?
No, thats not possible.