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Other Filters Age Setting

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 05:02
by jeffhobbs
It appears that the OTHER FILTER dialog is looking at the DATE CREATED and not the DATE MODIFIED. Is there a reason for this. The two should match when created, so it would seem more logical that it should look at DATE MODIFIED.

Is there a way this can be changed somewhere in the user settings?



Re: Other Filters Age Setting

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 17:42
by Administrator
DATE CREATED is only used for folders, DATE MODIFIED for files. What OTHER FILTER settings do you use?

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 23:59
by jeffhobbs
Often times we are adding or modifying files in a folder. The modified date of the folder is changed - however the created date remains the same. When this happens, I'd like AllSync to look into the folder that's been modified and push the latest modified files in the folder to the subsequent machines. Since the folder is not created, the created date doesn't change although the contents of the folder have been modified.

I'm using both the folder date and also the file date. Since I have some 300,000 files in different folders, I'm using the folder filter to do the first round pass and then using the file filter to pull out the exact files.

Perhaps a flag here might help on the folder filter to look at either date modified or date created as I guess I can see where both could be useful.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 15:16
by Administrator
make sense, i have added your suggestion to our ToDo list.