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Transferring AllSync to a different machine

Posted: 15 Dec 2005, 23:28
by bradburke
I purchased a single license for AllSync and have been running it on a notebook, transferring files to a tower. I need to replace the notebook, so I'd like to install AllSync on the tower. I don't, however, have my license key information that I can find.

How can I find that key -- or is it something you can email me?

Re: Transferring AllSync to a different machine

Posted: 16 Dec 2005, 17:19
by Administrator
bradburke wrote:How can I find that key?
You can find your license key at the email we have send you with your order of AllSync.

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 21:30
by bradburke
That's another problem, unfortunately. I've gone through a machine or two since my purchase of AllSync and don't have that key information in email anymore... Is there a way that email can be resent to me?

Posted: 22 Dec 2005, 21:41
by Administrator
Please send a email to with your contact information and we check our database for your license.