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Similar Pictures, Comparison method

Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 02:44
by therube
Similar Pictures, Comparison method

Maybe increase the dropdown box by 1, such that there is no vertical scrollbar?

When you select a hash method, it is rightfully retained as default, & highlighted the next time you go about clicking the dropdown (arrow).

What does happen, is that if any hash is selected other then aHash, the next time you click the drowndown all hashes are shown - except for aHash.

What happened with me, is that I was going from SHA1 to aHash (& kind of not paying to much attention) & knowing that aHash was the first hash listed, I simply choose the the first hash displayed (that being bHash).

My eye, my mind did not say, "oh, the scrollbar is at the bottom, & there is another entry, above, not seen". It just said, "aHash is the first, so pick the first".

And on doing so, I then wondered while my scan was proceeding so (relatively) slowly.

Given that there are only a limited number of hashes, if the dropdown was +1 more, then all would be shown any time the dropdown was clicked, without scrolling, without having a duh! moment (which actually lasted more then just "a moment".)

("What does happen..."
Counter argument could be made if the last hash were selected.

But IMO one is more apt to "see" a scrollbar, & if it is at the top of its range, more intuitively "know" that more items may follow, below, as opposed to a scrollbar that displays at the bottom of its range, & one must "think", ah, there is more to be discovered, above [at least for me, it "worked" that way].)

Re: Similar Pictures, Comparison method

Posted: 21 Oct 2023, 06:13
by Administrator
With the next update all comparison methods will be visible in the drop-down list.