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Options: Checkbox, the setting/unsetting thereof

Posted: 15 Feb 2023, 00:09
by therube
Options: Checkbox, the setting/unsetting thereof.

IMO, it is safer to force a user to check a checkbox,
rather then to be able to check a line
(in particular whitespace beyond the lines text)
to effect a change.

As it was I wanted to provide focus to a dialog window,
so I clicked within "whitespace" within the dialog,
but in addition to providing focus,
I ended up toggling the setting of a particular checkbox.

Re: Options: Checkbox, the setting/unsetting thereof

Posted: 15 Feb 2023, 17:57
by Administrator
Unfortunately, the checkbox control does not have an autosize function that we could use for this.
The width of the checkboxes is so large that the text in different languages ​​fits in everywhere.