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Performance question: compare by file name and file content

Posted: 27 Apr 2019, 14:16
by Evds
Compare method: compare only files between different source folders
Comparison criteria: file name and file content
File content: ignore exif metadata of jpeg files.
file name: compare all characters of a file name

The first source folder has only one file.
The second source folder has +50.000 jpeg files but only one file has the same file name as the file in the first source folder.

I expected that this comparison would be very fast even though I checked "ignore exif metadata of jpeg files" because, after counting all the files, it can filter out all the files from the second source folder except the one with the same file name but it took actually quiet long.

Could it be that the program isn't first checking whether the filename is the same ?

Re: Performance question: compare by file name and file content

Posted: 27 Apr 2019, 17:02
by Administrator
the option "ignore exif metadata of jpeg files" opens every file and check for the metadata...

Re: Performance question: compare by file name and file content

Posted: 28 Apr 2019, 01:32
by Evds
the option "ignore exif metadata of jpeg files" opens every file and check for the metadata...
In the comparison criteria I also checked the "file name" option.

Is it possible to check whether there is another file with the same "file name" before opening the file to check the metadata ?
If there isn't another file with the same "file name" it can't be a duplicate.

Re: Performance question: compare by file name and file content

Posted: 29 Apr 2019, 16:56
by Administrator
Sorry, thats not possible when you use the option "ignore exif metadata of jpeg files"...