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Select all except [custom path]

Posted: 29 May 2012, 17:31
by quebecguitare
Hi there, great software.

I'm stuck. I cannot find a way to select all file in the list except the one I want to keep in an already existing specific location.

I would like to keep ALL FILES in that [custom folder] and have the others hard linked to the source file in that [custom folder].

In other words... unselecting all files with a given path:

"Select all files EXCEPT files contained within this path: [custom folder/location]

I tried all the filters and search exceptions but I cannot seems to find a way. This path is neither the shortest or longest, oldest, newest.


I have noticed the the search query will not take in consideration file extension when it comes to duplicated filename.


I have files with the same filename but different extensions:


I do not want this to be treated as a duplicated. Did I miss anything?



Re: Select all except [custom path]

Posted: 05 Jun 2012, 18:43
by Administrator
Please use "Deselect all files inside the following source folder" to deselct all files of your custom folder.

Please use the search criteria "file name" and "file extension" to search for duplicates with the same name and extension.