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Additional Synchronization Conflict Option

Posted: 21 Mar 2005, 07:15
by Drdul
Would it be possible to add one more option to the file date/time conflict choices in the "Synchronization Conflicts" section:

() Copy most recent file

In this case, if both files have been modified, the file which has been modified most recently will be copied to the other folder. This means, for example, if the time of the source file is 4:11 and the time of the destination file is 4:28, the destination file will be copied to the source folder.

Thanks! :D

Re: Additional Synchronization Conflict Option

Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 18:49
by Administrator
maybe the new option will be available with the next beta version of AllSync. thanks for feedback.

Posted: 25 Mar 2005, 22:32
by Drdul
Thanks — I'll look forward to it!

Posted: 26 Mar 2005, 04:02
by Administrator
i think we dont need this new option. if you turn off the option "File Date/Time Conflict" AllSync uses the Rule "Overwrite file if the date/time of the file being copied is more recent". Isnt this what you want?

Posted: 26 Mar 2005, 05:37
by Drdul
The copy mode is Sync and the rule "Overwrite file if the date of the file being copied is more recent" is selected but is grayed out on the "Copy Modes" screen.

I would suggest that this new option appear on the "Sync Conflicts" screen because it would appear in the same location as other options relating to synchronization conflicts, and therefore would be easier for users to understand. However, you know the program better than I do :) so I will let you decide whether or not we need this new option. Here is the situation:

Last synchronization was at 2:00. Folder on Computer A has two files:

testfile1 modified at 2:05
testfile2 modified at 2:33

Folder on Computer B has the same two files:

testfile1 modified at 2:06
testfile2 modified at 2:30

What I would like to have happen is testfile 1 to be copied from Computer B to Computer A, and testfile2 copied from Computer A to Computer B. Currently, there is no option in "Sync Conflicts" to make this happen. Would your suggestion do this?

Posted: 27 Mar 2005, 17:50
by Administrator
just turn off the option "File Date/Time Conflict" and AllSync uses the rule "Overwrite file if the date/time of the file being copied is more recent".