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Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 26 Apr 2016, 01:09
by Administrator
DawnTreader wrote:I am unsure if I am just missing where the option has moved to but there used to be a way to tell alldup to only look at files from one folder and compare them to another root folder. is this feature removed?
Yes, this pre-scan option was removed. Please use the new option:

NEW: Search Result / Menu Bar / Remove: Added "Remove all groups where the files not exist at all source folders".

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 08:31
by DawnTreader
Yes, this pre-scan option was removed. Please use the new option:

NEW: Search Result / Menu Bar / Remove: Added "Remove all groups where the files not exist at all source folders".
ok that's fair, I will test it out.

however, can you please put the add/remove buttons back in the main window that are now on the right click context menu? it is ok for them to remain on the context menu but when you can only select one item in the list to remove it, you have to do each individually and because the remove is only in the right click it takes more work to remove items in the list. in previous versions I would click the last one on the list and hit the remove button repeatedly and I would be rid of them quickly. even better would be the ability to select multiple items in the list and then right click and remove.

sometimes what seems like progress is actually a step back, to me removing the remove button has become a step back because it has decreased my efficiency.

is this the place for feature ideas?

keep in mind, I love this program, it has been really helpful.

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 00:05
by Administrator
DawnTreader wrote:even better would be the ability to select multiple items in the list and then right click and remove.
Will be available with the next update!
Thanks for the feedback!

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 02 May 2016, 01:19
by DawnTreader
Hello again

here is some more feedback. that new feature to "Remove all groups where the files not exist at all source folders" is way better than the previous way I was doing it. thanks for coming up with a better way!

I had another idea, could you add the ability to read meta data and use fields to compare files to allow for music deduplication based on tags? sometimes songs are the same but byte to byte wont find them because of tags and encoding and sample rates and all that. they especially wont find mp4's that are dupes of mp3's. and I could really use that feature too.

again this program is awesome, keep it up!

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 02 May 2016, 14:06
by Administrator
DawnTreader wrote:music deduplication based on tags?
You can use the compare option "Ignore ID3 Tags of mp3 files" for comparing mp3s but you cannot compare the content between mp3 and mp4.

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 10 May 2016, 21:46
by therube
Visual glitch.
For whatever reason, I don't recall seeing this before - either on XP or Win7?
(Maybe I haven't had the need to actually run .22 before? Not sure?)
I'm not seeing it with 3.9.18.
(I'll try Win7 later if I get the chance.)


Snaps fingers!

I'll try .24 in a moment.
Not an issue in 3.9.24.

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 10 May 2016, 22:01
by Administrator
therube wrote:Ignore. Not an issue in 3.9.24.
What about the glitch at the log pane?
At your screenshot i see two log lines at the same row...

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 10 May 2016, 22:07
by therube
I didn't even catch that, but it is OK in .24.


Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 10 May 2016, 22:11
by therube

5040,"Remove all groups where the files not exist at all source folders"

Probably should read...

5040,"Remove all groups where the files not exist in all source folders"

(And even then, the wording is still odd, just not sure how to phrase it?)
(Maybe even add a "do" in there?)

5040,"Remove all groups where the files do not exist in all source folders"

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 10 May 2016, 22:44
by Administrator
therube wrote:5040,"Remove all groups where the files do not exist in all source folders"
sounds better than before! I will change this text at the english language file.

I think there will be some more wrong grammar at the english language file because my native language is german ;-)

Maybe someone have the time to review the english text...

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 20 May 2016, 10:08
by therube
This looks to be corrected in 3924, but I'll just note it here...

In some earlier beta's (3922 at least), AllDup4.txt was being "spammed" with hundreds of nul characters ($00$).

I only saw it on a lines like this [SHA-1 (160-Bit)]:

Code: Select all

05/19/2016 10:39:58 PM - Search: File content SHA-1 (160-Bit)                                                                                              
(They show as spaces ($20$) in the above code block.)

Oh, OK, I see now, this is the same issue as my screenshot above illustrates,, only I didn't realize that it was more then just a screen aberration, that "spam" was also being written to AllDup4.txt.

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 01:11
by airport1
Hello Michael,

I need quite the opposite of "compare files of different folders", so no unnecessary comparisons are done.
I try to explain my case better:

I group my holiday pictures into countries, then days, etc.
Each country has a folder, and each day inside has a folder, too.
Now I could add e.g. all the day folders to AllDup.

I often make just a copy of very good pictures to "mark" it. But one picture is often quite big, as shot with 20 MP, sometimes even RAW.
Of course this is not the perfect way to "favorite" photos, but it is "my way".
And I like your software very much, because I can afterwards make just a hardlink from these copies.

But at the moment it will e.g. compare
(added folder) day1
with the contents of (added folder) day2
with the contents of (added folder) day3

And this is not necessary in my case, and takes time to do unnecessary comparisons, because i know there are no dups in that case.

OK, it is not that bad, I can wait, but I think this is an option just missing, something like:

[x] compare only contents inside of each added folder (and its subfolders!) => means explicit: but do not cross-check over all added folders

PS: a great new function is to list only "non-duplicate files".. sometimes I have to merge photos from my phone and my cam and only one of both is stored somewhere.. thanks a lot for this great piece, eh MASTERWORK of software!

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 02:45
by therube
This may do it for you (top of this page), ... 7090#p7090?
And this is not necessary in my case, and takes time to do unnecessary comparisons
As far as the inefficiencies are concerned, that was brought up, if I remember correctly, in the DE end... let me see...

Here (translated, & I hope the link works), Accelerate duplicate search.
(And I have to say, I agree, with the poster there.)

And this is related too (translated), Find duplicates only between two sources.

Duplikatsuche beschleunigen
Duplikate nur zwischen zwei Quellen finden

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 17:45
by airport1
Well, I dont know whether this reflects my "problem" correct:

I add folders to Alldup:

A - with e.g. sub folder A1, A2, ..
B - with e.g. sub folder B1, B2, ..

For simplification lets say folderA und folderB are empty, except they contain sub folders with files.
For me it seems AllDup ALWAYS compare all added folders against each other, which might make sense quite often, but not here, in my case. So comparing A1 with B1,B2 makes no sense IN MY CASE, as _I KNOW_ there are no dups.
Instead it would be good to have an option [x] compare only inside each added (main) folder (so also all its sub folders), but not cross all added folders, that means:

A1 with A2
B1 with B2

(I try it better again in native German):

Sagen wir ich habe leere Ordner, bis auf dass diese Unterordner haben:

A mit Unterordner A1, A2
B mit Unterordner B1, B2

Ich fuege nun A und B bei AllDup als (Haupt)Ordner zu.
Die Suche scheint derzeit so, als erzwinge sie dass alle Dateien miteinander verglichen werden, auch zwischen den verschiedenen zugefuegten (Haupt)Ordnern. D.h. A1 wird auch "unnuetzerweise" mit B1,B2, sowie A2 mit B1,B2 verglichen.
In der Regel macht das wohl auch meistens Sinn. In meinem Fall aber nicht, da ich _weiss_, dass es nur Duplikate innerhalb der zugefuegten (Haupt)Ordner gibt, also zB macht in meinem Fall nur der Vergleich zw. A1 und A2 und zw. B1 und B2 Sinn.
"Meine" Option, die Suche derart einzuschraenken und damit unnuetze Vergleichsoperationen wegzulassen existiert m.E. noch nicht, oder ich habe schlichtweg noch nicht verstanden wie ich diese Suchweise erzwingen kann.

Nochmal, die derzeitige Vergleichsmatrix ist wahrscheinlich (Mathematiker moegen mir das "x" und ":=" vergeben):
A1 x A2 (:= A2 x A1)
A1 x B1 (:= B1 x A1)
A1 x B2 (:= B2 x A1)
B1 x B2 (:= B2 x B1)

Sinn macht aber in meinem Fall nur:
A1 x A2
B1 x B2

Ergo waere eine Option hilfreich:
[x] Vergleiche nur Dateien innerhalb der zugefuegten (Haupt)Ordner und ihrer Unterordner, aber NICHT "kreuzweise" ueber alle zugefuegten (Haupt)Ordner

Ich weiss natuerlich nicht wie die Software konkret implementiert ist und wie der Aufwand waere. Es muessten "einfach" "alle Permutationen bzgl. verschiedener Hauptordner wegfallen".
Danke Michael auf jeden Fall fuer dieses Meisterwerk an Software.

Re: AllDup 4 - Open Beta Test

Posted: 03 Jun 2016, 19:14
by Administrator
airport1 wrote:[x] compare only contents inside of each added folder (and its subfolders!) => means explicit: but do not cross-check over all added folders
I added the following option to the ToDo-List:

"Compare only files within the same source folder"