.db Cleanup, is it efficient?

English support for the software AllDup
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.db Cleanup, is it efficient?

Post by therube »

.db Cleanup, is it efficient?


Code: Select all

ver: 3
size: 230 MB
files/checksums: 695K
huge i/o: 500 kB/s (process hacker)

huge number of changes to .adb / .adb-journal
with updates (modified) every second
i'm at 4400 of 695K
& so far those files have been modified 4500 / 14000 times (folderchangesview)

at this rate, it will never finish?

i may not even be using the .db (currently) ?
Use, is unchecked.
(Only File, & the 2 Recalc are checkmarked in the settings.)

i had to kill AllDup.
(no way to tell it to Stop)
though it sure restarted speedily (which it had not been doing of late).

when stale items are removed, are they physically removed from the .db,
or are they only "marked" as not being there (like how when a file is
"deleted" in Windows, it is simply marked as being no longer available)

since i killed (& my startup speed has returned), is there a way of
knowing whether or not the .db is in a consistent state, whether it is
of value any longer? (if not, i'd just nix it.)
(now, guessing that it is in a consistent state)

(starting again)

a Cleanup of even just 25K files is slow & I/O intensive.
i didn't time it, & i'm again not going to allow it to complete,
but i'm thinking that this Cleanup will take as long, or longer,
then the initial hashes took to create.
(& to me, for simply purging no longer existent files, this
seems inefficient? transactional or some such? so seems the
consistency should be OK to the point i killed it. but still,
seems highly inefficient? [i'm on spinner hdd's]

(presumably during hash creation, hashes are created/stored in RAM,
perhaps periodically written out?
but there is far less ongoing I/O on creation compared to Cleanup)
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Re: .db Cleanup, is it efficient?

Post by Administrator »

the button "Cleanup" retrieves all stored files from the database and check if every file still exists.
While checking a progress bar is displayed that shows the current and the max count of the files.
You can cancel the "file existing check" by pressing F10.
After the "file existing check" is finished/canceled the database is compressed (VACUUM) and optimized (PRAGMA optimize).
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