Issues with compressed file result

English support for the software AllDup
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Issues with compressed file result

Post by mz1888 »

To save space I've compressed files and introduced the following problems for AllDup:
1. Open file or folder location no longer worked, if an entry is a compressed file
2. Deletion on compressed doesn't work, even if the compressed only contain one file; sometimes (but not all of the time) deleting the uncompressed pair also doesn't work
3. Pseudo/ghost result, or failed linking to actual file; I am guessing AllDup first decompresses into temp, do the matching then return reference however returned the pseudo name to the search result but not the address (neither the ones from temp or actual location)
4. Those uncompressed files in temp accumulate, require manual deletion; also, those write/re-write activities causing a drop in my SSD life so I had to move it to a separate mechanical drive.
5. Run/Rerun time is longer when compression is involved. Is it possible to index by similarity instead by hash?

These issues caused AllDup to report false and un-actionable results cluttering other useful information, also demand a lot of manual searching and costly re-run time.
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Re: Issues with compressed file result

Post by Administrator »

1) this will be fixed with the next update
2) what archive type do you use?
4) all temp files we be deleted after closing the search result
5) no
Posts: 35
Joined: 24 Jul 2019, 14:00

Re: Issues with compressed file result

Post by mz1888 »

1. Thanks
2. Zip format
4. I checked again, some or if not all files stored under AllDup/temp/607907468F8 remained. Do these files contribute to faster re-run? Personally, I'd trade cheap HDD space for scarce CPU resources despite this is the least efficient form of indexing.
5. Is there a way to address the run-time involving compressed files for archival purposes? both opening and de-compression. Caching in some ways could speed up the subsequent re-run. Or, just avoid the same computations when the files haven't been changed. The re-run is really not avoidable because FlexView (sort by path, filename) is not provided therefore the resultset would jump around and making it impossible to prevent erroneous deletions.
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Re: Issues with compressed file result

Post by Administrator »

2) i tested the deletion functionallity from files inside zip archives and i didnt found any problems. a zip archive with a single file inside was deleted completly and deletion of a file from a zip archive with multiple files inside worked too.
4) here the temp folder always will be deleted after closing the search result...

2+4) please let me know if you can create a test scenario and successfully reproduce this problem

5) sorry, there is no caching for re-runs
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