accessibility (keyboard use)

English support for the software AllDup
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accessibility (keyboard use)

Post by botmtl »

There are lots of functionality that is only accessible by mouse only. The mouse is great and all for the average joe, but anyone that is differently-abled will have a tough time navigating in your app.

Few examples:
Tab seems to move from one field to the other but you can't see which field you are on, and enter key doesn't do anything on those fields.
F2 sometimes allows editing (like in the source folder panel), but doesn't work in the file filter panel.
On the profile page, clicking enter on a profile does what exactly - i'm not sure, it either saves the current profile to the selected profile or it loads the selected profile. Ctrl-s or other keys I have tried do not work.
The contextual menu key on the keyboard doesn't bring up the context menu either. Just adding this and a way to access the toolbars (to change tabs/pages) would help a whole lot.

It would be really nice if you had the time to review this and allow you app to be usable by more people.
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Re: accessibility (keyboard use)

Post by Administrator »

next update:

- Added the the missing focus rectangle at the checkboxes and the option-controls
- fixed the wrong TAB stop order of the controls on the panels
- the key F3 enables the user to loop through the panels
- the key F2 starts the edit mode at the filter list for files or folders
- the context menu key works now at all lists

thx you for your feedback!
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