AllSync 2.2.0 Appears to hang, though sync'ing continues

English support for the software AllSync
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AllSync 2.2.0 Appears to hang, though sync'ing continues

Post by AndrzejM »

I have just purchased 2 licences of what looks like a fantastic piece of software! The many options make this a very powerful product indeed and immensely useful. I have run into a problem however. Whether running from AllSync itself, or, via the AllSync Scheduler after a few seconds of operation the cursor turns into an 'egg timer' and the program appears to freeze up and stop. If I go to task manager it reports that the program is 'Not Responding'. However, if I look at the drive activity I can see that the process is running. Can anyone advise? I'm running on a Windows 2003 Standard Server platform.

Also, has anyone tested the software on really large synchronisation jobs - i.e multiple TB's of data?


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Re: AllSync 2.2.0 Appears to hang, though sync'ing continues

Post by Administrator »

Whether running from AllSync itself, or, via the AllSync Scheduler after a few seconds of operation the cursor turns into an 'egg timer' and the program appears to freeze up and stop.
please install the current beta release 2.2.39 and activate the option "Display progress bar during copy operation" at the "Profile Properties - Options - General" to get more infos about the current status if a copy operation is running.
Also, has anyone tested the software on really large synchronisation jobs - i.e multiple TB's of data?
how many files and folder exist in your source and in your destination folder?
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