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ALLDUP Finding Files that are not there

Posted: 23 Sep 2022, 13:51
by geobrick
I'm using version 4.5.22 and searching for dups with same name and size.
The results show a match for 2 files that are no longer on the hard drive.
How is that happening?

Re: ALLDUP Finding Files that are not there

Posted: 27 Sep 2022, 23:14
by therube
The results show a match for 2 files that are no longer on the hard drive.
File names & location?
Might they be hardlinked files?
Might the files have been deleted outside of (& after they had already been found by) Alldup?

And you've verified that they are not in fact on the drive?

Under 'Remove', if you 'Remove all non-existing files from the search result', are those file then gone (from Alldup)?