Need "Delete if can't recycle" option in File Manager

English support for the software AllDup
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Need "Delete if can't recycle" option in File Manager

Post by Synetech »

Using AllDup to process multiple drives is a lot more work than it used to be. I run AllDup once in a while across multiple fixed and removable drives to weed out any extraneous files. It usually finds a bunch of duplicates on fixed and removable drives, but now, processing them is a headache and more risky than before.

In older versions, setting the File Manager dialog to Recycle files worked fine no matter what kind of drive it was, it would recycle files on fixed drives and delete files on removable drives. A few versions ago, the program was changed so files on removable drives no longer get processed. Now, you have to manually change the setting to Delete files, and then try to remember to change it back to Recycle. If you don't remember to change it back, then the next time you process files on fixed disks, it will delete them instead of recycle them.

This is a lot more work, and requires being alert and remembering to change it and risks data loss. 😕

There needs to be a Delete if can't recycle option so that it's like it was before, so we can set it to recycle files it can, and delete files it can't recycle. (The setting can default to off and let the user specifically make the conscious choice to enable it and accept any risks; that way, it's a one-time risk of losing files rather than a risk every time we use the File Manager.)
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Re: Need "Delete if can't recycle" option in File Manager

Post by Administrator »

The behavior of the "Recycle files" option was changed because if a user recycle files he expect to easily recover these files if he did a mistake.
I will add your suggestion "Delete if can't recycle" to our ToDo-List.
Check out the new beta version.
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