Image Preview, Group view, does not always

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Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

Image Preview, Group view, does not always - view the group of thumbnails.

I believe this is a new issue with 4.5.56.

Image mode, Similar pictures, all groups expanded, 18 K groups, 41 K files
Previews enabled

sometimes as i move from ... group-file-file-group
sometimes when i hit that next group, sometimes,
it displays the previous group's -file- rather then the new groups thumbnails

what the exact trigger is, i haven't figured that out, yet, but the issue exists

i thought, maybe it was a focus issue, & with that, how do i "focus" without
using the cursor to move up or down - which i know would "fix" the issue?
with that, i simply & even though highlight was already there, single mouse-clicked
on the Group, & with that, the expected thumbs turned up

so maybe it is a "focus" issue?

so... ?

(drive is not, has not, gone to sleep, nothing otherwise affecting CPU/RAM
with AllDup or otherwise)
(i did not notice that behavior, particularly, in 4.5.54, though my number
of dups is significantly higher)

(in any case, none of this is a big deal, but it does exist)


various scenarios when this happened...

when this happens,
if i stay there, on the Group, things stay as is, unchanged, displaying an incorrect picture
if i move up to the previous file, or
if i move down to the next file
& then back up to the (what was erroneous) group,
it then displays that group's thumbnails as expected

<not quite sure what i just said is correct? maybe it is more like i'm in a
group, on a file, & i arrow-key down, quickly - though still single key presses,
such that i "kind of" skip over the next group & at that point, i'm on a 'file'
in the next group, & then if i "back up" to the group itself, i then show that
last file instead of the group thumbs ?>

group - down File - down File - UP - down File - down GROUP
- at that point, 'down GROUP' had File instead of thumbnails

arrow-key down, only a few, group-file-file-group, as it was, the 2nd file
happened to no longer be there, so (& i didn't really see it at that point)
but when i landed on the 2nd 'group', the "group" thumnail displayed:
"the file ...014_0014.jpg couldn't be displayed!
ERROR: FreeImage - FreeImage_LoadU: failed to open input file (Load error) |
GdipCreateBitmapFromFile: (2) Invalid Parameter"

now, all of that is fine & expected
- but it was not expected that that message displayed when i was on a Group
entry, not (any longer) on the file

^-that is just as it happened to happen, & i'm not saying that "error" played
into what happened, necessarily, it just happened to be what happened at the
time (& again, that the error existed was completely expected [as beforehand
i had renamed the file - outside of AllDup]
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by Administrator »

I cant reproduce this using the arrow-keys up+down.
I tried it with multiple pressing the up/down keys and press-hold-release. The preview is always correct.
Can you reproduce this problem with an previous version of AllDup?
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

(no time at the moment to clean up, so a bit of a ramble...)

i did (have) checksums enabled (in case that matters):
> checksum.adb 146,161,664

i do have a hotkey (various hotkeys) defined, F12, Copy to clipboard: File name
in case that should matter (though I've had that for quite a while now)
& i do use that, regularly

as in, i'll be on a group, key down to -file, key down to -file, key down to -file,
then i might up-key 3x & then down-key down-key (& at that point 3 files are
highlighted), & F12 them, then go I do something with those names - elsewhere,
then come back to AllDup & repeat the procedure, depending... (on what i might or
might not find with a particular group & the files withing)...

5.56 /definitely/ does it
maybe it takes /time/ or /distance/ before it shows?
like maybe you need to go through 100 items, perhaps over an extended period of time
& not simply down-down-down-... ?

5.54 ALSO does it !!!

so it is not like i'm simply arrow-keying down a long list
instead i'll arrow-key down a few, copy some names to clipboard, go to other
programs & do things with said names, then come back to AllDup & repeat the process
- if something like that matters to see the issue?

maybe time open matters?

< ---attach picture--- >

1. File Preview is displaying a picture (rather then thumbnails)
(it would be 'A' picture from the prior Group, not necessarily the "last" picture in that group)
[now, in this case, i didn't actually pay attention to what picture was shown, only that it in
fact showed a picture rather then thumbnails]
2. File Preview - now displays the thumbs - after having (single) left-click on the Group
(or i could have arrow-key down [or up] & back to the group, & that would have "fixed" it)

again, not a big deal, but something is not quite right.
(so just keep it in mind, for the time that you happen to run into it ;-).)
(for the screenshot, I reduced the window size [which also did not affect what was displayed in Preview]
though ordinarily the window size is set to fullscreen [maximized])

Win7, x64
& i do not have any "Windows Aero" theme enabled, in case that should matter
(it has, at times, with other programs [including Mozilla Firefox])

5.52 ALSO does it !!!

& this time, it was a /FILE/, rather then a GROUP, where the mismatch occurred

in the case of .52, i looked at the 076hotel Group & saw that none were dups,
& knowing that, i arrow-key'd down, quickly, & happened (in doing so) to "bypass"
the 077 Group, landing on the 077.jpg File, & that 077.jpg file was actually
displaying 076hotel23's image. & once again, simply single-click (again if you will)
on 077.jpg (file) then showed (pic #2) the "correct" file thumbnail (which in this
particular case happened to no longer exist - hence the "error" [expected])

("none were dups".
two, were /similar/ hotel23 & hotel25, but jadem was totally unrelated
& on that note, i'd been thinking that maybe some odd "dup" found like in this
instance was incorrectly being include in a group & that was actually a breakage,
& that somehow precipitated the issue i'm see, but then there have been similar
instances were a Group of dups "weren't", yet this issue did not manifest iteslf,
so... ?)

[on that note, the File thumbnails are generated in, read from /temp/GUID/
so maybe something in that area, between moving down a list, & generating
or re-reading (if existent) a particular thumbnail ?

i do not have duplicate thumbnails in /temp/.../ or anything that looks out of place
BUT... i only have 118 actual files (with a count of 128 - where i left off)
in this case...
124_ hotel23
125_ hotel25
126_ jadem
128_ stran_21
so 127_, never got generated, & if i'm rapidly moving down a list, maybe that
is expected?


i just saw thumbs NOT be created in /temp/.../ - when they should have been
above i had "stopped" at 128_. there was a break, 127_missing. with that,
messing around, going back to a file in the previous group, so prior to
Group 076hotel23, then arrow-key down, & was - for a time, able to duplicate
the issue, & then, whatever i did or didn't, moving up & down & back...
i couldn't, & then i thought if i look & see what happens if i go down to
the next group... at that point i started to see thumbs fail to generate
in /temp/.../. & with that wasn't sure why they weren't generated, so then
i just mess around, more & at this point don't recall, precisely, but back
up, then down, then up & down, perhaps only staying withing the "hotel"
Group, 1 above & 1 down, & nothing, then it was like, huh?, & so then &
proceeded down more, & at some point, thumbs then began generating, again?]

in these cases of "ERROR:" being shown by AllDup, they are expected, &
happen because i've done something outside of the purview of AllDup, &
so when i next happen to land on a particular file in AllDup & that "error"
is generated, it is immaterial & expected - to me, but maybe it happens to
be material to you, to some count that is now off_by_one ?

it /appears/ that a count is being stored in RAM, & when there is a "break",
when thumbs fail to generate, they will fail to generate until you've
reached a number of fails that then are > then that number stored in RAM
(or something along that line) kind of like you're expecting a 1 to 1
relationship, but that may not always be the case, & once it gets out of
wack, it can remain so - until, & then things may go back to being right
for a while, until the next "break"...

maybe... generate a list of dups [duplicate images, & with Preview active],
say a dozen, with a few files in each, maybe some with exact or some exact
dups & some with similar dups, & a couple that seem just should not be dups,
& scroll down through each - verifying that 36 thumbs are created & that
all display as expected

Save the Results of that scan
Quit AllDup
Open AllDup, load the Saved Result

now, outside of AllDup, pick 1 file in the 3rd & 7th & 9th groups &
manually rename them. those particular files should then generate
"ERROR:s" as you scroll down the (Saved Result) list

at the same time, observe thumbs that may be generated in /temp/.../
with particular attention to Group 3 7 & 9. once you hit 3, maybe then go
back up to 2, then more rapidly down to a file in 4, see if that might ?
cause an issue, maybe in display of the correct thumb &/or in the creation
of an actual thumb in /temp/.../ & maybe subsequent thumbs - for a period
of time?

going back in the list should not regenerate a thumb, nor will it pick up
on any it might have missed (or so it seems)

so... an issue has been around for some time now
how to reproduce, still don't know?
it seemed to be more prevalent in .56, but as i've now seen it happen in .54 & .52

(in doing this, i started with the same:
config4.ini, Toolbar4.bin, /data/ (source), & checksum.adb
simply changing:
AllDupPortable.exe, lang_eng, & /dep/ for each associated version)

(& with that, i'm letting it go, reverting back to .56, & if i happen to come up
with repeatable steps to reproduce, i'll let you know.)
Last edited by therube on 11 Dec 2023, 23:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

1. is showing a file (in the Preview section)
2. is showing Group thumbs (in the Preview section)
AllDup Group displays Pict instead of Thumbs.png
1. 077.jpg is actually the file ...hotel23 (in the Preview section)
2. is showing the correct "ERROR" message after having left-clicked on the 077.jpg filename (in the Preview section)
AllDup Image display OTHER image - 4.5.52.png
AllDup (& Servant Salamander displaying) /temp/GUID/ directory, showing thumb generation break, jumping from 128 to 153.
AllDup thumb images failed to generate256.png
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

Maybe none of the above has any (particular) bearing (or is only partially responsible)?

Maybe it is something more like this?
Everything was still loading the preview for the previously selected file.
The loading took 27 seconds.
Selecting another file will not cancel this loading.
Everything must wait for the last preview to complete before starting a new preview. ... 427#p62427

Maybe, as I progress down a list of dups, I run into something along those lines, an image still being loaded, but not finished (or some other task ongoing in DC) so when I end up at a particular line in the results list, I"m seeing some previously loaded image, where the correct image has not (at that point in time) fully loaded, in order to display, properly?
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

(now on 4.5.58)

- though issue exists prior to, seems more prevalent beginning with 4.5.56
- my "doings" (use of hotkeys / doing something outside of the purview of AllDup)
does not seem to have a particular effect on this issue

as in:

Load saved Results
Jump down (Search Forward) to where i left off
with doing nothing more then arrow-keying down; down1-down2-down3-pause a moment,
down1-down2-down3-pause a moment,... & in short order i can duplicate the issue

perhaps ? size matters & maybe it was just coincidence that it seems more
prevalent with 4.5.56
as in,
somewhere along the line, i changed Saved Results (that I am working off of)
before, the Saved Results I was working with was 8 MB
where now my Saved Results is 28 MB
& likewise the total number of files, & likely groups too,
has increased, substantially, so maybe size, the larger size
of my current .asr4a & number of items therein
is (now) making this more apparent,
rather then a particular AllDup version ?

perhaps ? size matters ?
the size of the pictures, so on larger pics it takes longer to generate
the thumb & if you move "quickly" between pics (on the detail side, not
the thumbnail side), by the time it has finished rendering the (what is
now, previous) picture, you are already on the next (be it file or group)
& with that, "some" earlier thumb ends up getting displayed - at that point
& regardless of what the actual file/Group you may have focused on
&, that might also be where that single left-click plays in, that with an
incorrect thumb being displayed, that left-click then "sets" (& even
though nothing else was changed) focus, again, to a particular item
& that item has (now) fully loaded (its' thumb) & so (then) displays, correctly ?

Win7 i5-3570k 16GB RAM intel HD Graphics 4000 video (on cpu)
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by Administrator »

Today i could reproduce this problem if i click really fast the up/down keys in the search result.
I guess the problem has something to do that Windows memorize (caching) the user key clicks and sent them to the grid control.
If the loading of a picture takes too long the key event will be skipped and the grid just moves on to the next file.

for example:

1. Windows -> key down pressed
2. App: start key event -> select picture1 -> load picture1
3. meanwhile, the user clicks key down again
4. Windows -> key down pressed again
5. app: sorry, im busy with loading picture1, cant trigger the key event to load picture2
6. now picture2 is selected in the grid but not loaded
7. meanwhile, picture1 is loaded and displayed
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by Administrator »

I found a solution to fix this problem:

After a picture is loaded and displayed, check if it is the the current selected file in the search result or redo the file preview for the current selected file.

Do you want an update to test the fix? Drop me a private msg.
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

no too much time, so far, but...

far less frequent


it could just me
what i'm doing at the time, how i'm doing it,
particular files are smaller sized, so maybe
because of that less likely to occur, or...

anyhow, still there, less frequent, so that is better.
i'll keep pluggin' to get a better feel..
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

far less frequent
Very infrequent, so while maybe not 100%, it is much better :-).

And I've not noticed anything else untoward.
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

So I'd been going at it for a few days more, & hadn't seen the issue - at all.

And then, i saw it again.
Two times, in relatively quick succession.

And then, I haven't seen it, yet again.

I'm thinking, that maybe a slow (external) disk write (related to associated files) might be exacerbating things?

Anyhow, no big deal anymore.
FAR better then it was :-).
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »


Messing more, I have not run into the issue since 291223.

And again, it could just be my methodology.
I'll keep plugin away...
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Re: Image Preview, Group view, does not always

Post by therube »

Figures ;-).

It happened again, once.

mentioned "slow" before (in relation to slow access),
& again /perhaps/ that plays in? maybe... after drive
has gone asleep (HDD, so platters), it seems to me ?
that even after awakening... (& i'm just talking out
my butt here), maybe not all the "platters" "awaken"
at the same time, maybe only the actual platter(s) in
need at a particular time, then if you happen upon a
file that is on a different platter, where the disk
head is still "parked", that excess momentary lag,
for the head to move to required spot... if that
happens to coincide... perhaps?

Anyhow, all in all, it is essentially gone.
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